Query the last patch applied on database 11g, 12cR1, 12cR2 and 18c
Part of DBA routine is patch databases by quarterly, what is that means?
It means that Oracle is a software and it is hard to hear, but Oracle database has bugs and secutiry vulnerabilities, so is good idea patch regularly your production databases with RU and RUR, you can
find more information about this change on nomenclature that occurred on 12cR2 at this of link on blog of the master https://mikedietrichde.com/2017/11/07/ru-rur-recommendations-facts/
So, usually a patch came with 2 different parts, first part is the binaries (libraries, programs and etc), you must be familiar with opatch utility to apply a patch on the Oracle Home, and the second part is the data dictionary corrections.
To execute this part, since Oracle version 12cR1 we use datapatch to apply, this tool is amazing, really like to use it. So, the datapatch utility, is part of OPatch and the purpose of usage of this tool is apply scripts against Oracle data dictionary.
In this article I will show to you, how to query the correct views on the database to find informations about 11g, and 12c (family) databases, let’s say like that.
So, on version 11g, after apply a PSU patch on database, after run the script catbundle.sql, you can query this view with SYS account, to check information about the past PSUs applied:
— 11g version
set lin 1000
col action form a12
col version form a40
col comments form a70
col action_date form a20
select comments, action, to_char(action_time,’DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SS’) action_date, version
from registry$history
order by action_date;
———————————————————————- ———— ——————– —————————————-
Patch applied from to RU_APPLY 20/03/19 14:36:26
OJVM RU post-install APPLY 20/03/19 14:37:42
RAN jvmpsu.sql jvmpsu.sql 20/03/19 14:37:42
For the version 12R1 and onwards you will need to use another view and depending against wich version are running you can filter by PSU ou RELEASE words on column description:
— For 12c and 18c
set lin 1000
col action form a12
col version form a40
col description form a85
col action_date form a20
select description, action, to_char(action_time,’DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SS’) action_date, ‘ ‘ version
from dba_registry_sqlpatch;
————————————————————————————- ———— ——————– —————————————-
Database Release Update : (28090523) APPLY 20/03/19 14:37:46
OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (27923415) APPLY 20/03/19 14:37:46
Obs.: There is no more version column, I keep that just for have compatibility with some old scripts.
To query:
— 12cR1
where upper(description) like ‘DATABASE PSU%’;
— 12cR2 onwards
where upper(descrition) like ‘DATABASE RELEASE%’;
I hope this brief note can help you to find more details how to query and check if the version applied on binaries matches the version of the database level of patch.
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