Observer, Where?
Category: Database Author: Fernando Simon (Board Member) Date: 5 years ago Comments: 0

Observer, Where?

Some months ago I got one error with Oracle Data Guard and now I had time to review again and time write this article. Just to be clear since the begin, the discussion here it is not about the error itself, but about the circumstances that generated it.
The environment described here follow the most, and common, best practices for DG by Oracle. Have 1 dedicated server for each one: Primary Database, Physical Standby Database and Observer. The primary and standby resides in different datacenters in different cities, dedicated network for interconnect between sites, protection mode was Maximum Availability and runs with fast-start failover enabled (with 30 seconds for threshold). The version here is 12.2, but will be the same for 19c. So, nothing so bad in the environment, basic DG configuration trying to follow the best practices.
But, one day, application servers running, primary linux db server running, but database itself down. Looking for the cause, found in the broker log:



03/10/2019 12:48:05

LGWR: FSFO SetState(st=2 "UNSYNC", fl=0x2 "WAIT", ob=0x0, tgt=0, v=0)

LGWR: FSFO SetState("UNSYNC", 0x2) operation requires an ack

        Primary database will shutdown within 30 seconds if permission

         is not granted from Observer or FSFO target standby to proceed

LGWR:   current in-memory FSFO state flags=0x40001, version=46

03/10/2019 12:48:19

A Fast-Start Failover target switch is necessary because the primary cannot reach the Fast-Start Failover target standby database

A target switch was not attempted because the observer has not pinging primary recently.

FSFP network call timeout. Killing process FSFP.

03/10/2019 12:48:36

Notifying Oracle Clusterware to disable services and monitoring because primary will be shutdown

Primary has heard from neither observer nor target standby

        within FastStartFailoverThreshold seconds. It is

        likely an automatic failover has already occurred.

        The primary is shutting down.

LGWR: FSFO SetState(st=8 "FO PENDING", fl=0x0 "", ob=0x0, tgt=0, v=0)

LGWR: Shutdown primary instance 1 now because the primary has been isolated

And in the alertlog:


Starting background process FSFP


FSFP started with pid=30, OS id=6055


Primary has heard from neither observer nor target standby within FastStartFailoverThreshold seconds.

It is likely an automatic failover has already occurred. Primary is shutting down.


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_lgwr_2472.trc:

ORA-16830: primary isolated from fast-start failover partners longer than FastStartFailoverThreshold seconds: shutting down

LGWR (ospid: 2472): terminating the instance due to error 16830


But this is (and was) not a DG problem, the DG made what was design to do. Primary lost the communication with the Standby and Observer and after the Fast-Start Failover threshold, FSFP killed the primary because it don’t know if was evicted and want avoid split brain (or something similar). Worked as designed!
As I wrote before the main question here is not the ORA-XXXX error, but the circumstances. In this case, by design definition (and probably based in the docs), chosen to put the observer in the same site than standby. But, because one failure in the standby datacenter (just in the enclosure that runs blades for Oracle stuffs, application continued to runs), the entire database was unavailable. One outage in standby datacenter, shutdown the primary database even DG running in Maximum Availability mode.



As you can imagine, because the design decision “where to put the observer”, everything was down. If the observer was running in the primary datacenter, nothing supposed to occurs. But here it is the point for this post: “Where you put the Observer?”, “Primary site? Standby site?”, and “Why?”, “How you based this decision?”. Appears to be a simple question to answer, but there are a lot of pros and cons, and there is not much information about that.
If you search in the Oracle docs they recommend to put the observer in a third datacenter, isolated from the others, or in the in the same network than application, or in the standby datacenter. Here: (page 9). But, where are pros and cons for the decision? And how many clients that have a third datacenter? And if you search about where put the observer over the google, the 99% spread the same information (that go in the opposite of docs) “primary site”. But again, “Why?”.



Observer in primary site:
  • Pros: Protect for most failures (primary db crash failure, db logical crash as example), low impact network issues for observer (usually same LAN than primary).
  • Cons: Not protect (not switch) in case of whole primary datacenter failure.
  • When to use: When you want to avoid “false positive” switches in case of network problems against standby datacenter or you “not trust” in standby datacenter. Or because all transactions are important (will explain later).

Observer in standby site:

  • Pros: Protect against whole primary datacenter failure.
  • Cons: Heavy dependency from network between sites (need even multiple paths), can suffer “false positives” switches since standby site decides even if primary is running correctly (similar than related here). When database is more important than transactions, maybe Maximum Availability is not suitable (explain later).
  • When to use: When you want to protect the database and when your system and network infrastructure between datacenter are reliable.
Observer Third datacenter:
  • Pro: Cover all scenarios of failures.
  • Cons: Very heavily dependent of good network to avoid “false positives” or will suffer from fast-start failover disabled. Will be more expensive.
  • When to use: when you want to protect for most of possible scenarios.
Bellow just one idea about a good design for high availability for database and applications. This came directly from the Oracle docs about  “Recovering from Unscheduled Outages –



Above I talked about transactions and Maximum Availability that it is deeply related here. Remember that primary database shutdown only after the fast start failover threshold? This means that primary database received transactions during 30 seconds before shutting down. If you put observer in standby site you can suffer from data loss (of course that failover, by design, means that) because standby side decides everything.
If you do that, maybe you need to operate in Maximum Protection to have zero data loss. This is more clear, or critical, if your database receive connections from applications that are not in the same datacenter and can connect in both at same time. In Maximum Protection you avoid that primary commit data in moments of possible failures, but you will put some overhead in every transaction operating in sync mode ( So, you need to decide if database running is more important than transactions.
Of course that every strategy have pro and cons. Observer in primary is more easy, maybe can allow you to use less strict protection and continue to have a high transaction protection, but not handle full datacenter failure. Observer in standby can protect from datacenter failure, but is possible that you need to handle with more “false positive” switches of primary db or even complete primary shutdown (as related here) in the case of standby datacenter failure. Adding the fact that maybe your application needs to allow some data loss, or if not, you may need to operate in maximum protection. Observer in third site can be best option for data protection, but will be more expensive and heavily network and operational dependent.
As you can see, there is not easy design. Even a simple choose, like observer location, will left plenty of decisions to be made. With Oracle 12.2 and beyond (including 19c) you have better options to handle it, I will pass over this in the next post about multiple observers, but there is no (yet) 100% solution to cover all possible scenarios.
Martin Bracher, Dr. Martin Wunderli and Torsten Rosenwald made a good cover of this in the past. You can check the presentations here:
I recommend read the docs too:

Disclaimer: “The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent my actual employer positions, strategies or opinions. The information here was edited to be useful for general purpose, specific data and identifications were removed to allow reach the generic audience and to be useful for the community.”

Exadata X8, Second look
Category: Engineer System Author: Fernando Simon (Board Member) Date: 5 years ago Comments: 0

Exadata X8, Second look

Every year Oracle arrives and release new version of Exadata with a plenty of new things. We have the natural evolution from hardware (more memory, more cpu…) and sometimes news features from software side. The point for this post today it is not about the HW and SW things, but something is hidden in the small lines of the new X8.
In the Exadata X8 datasheet it is possible to read about the new Extended (XT) Storage Server. And for me, this was the best thing in the new release. With the new XT you can have, in the same appliance (and for your database usage), one dedicated storage that you can use for some goods and cool things.
Think about, today if you have a huge partitioned table in your database you continue to store, in the same place (sharing the same disks), the partition that you use in almost every transaction and the partition that use one time per month. The same can occurs if you have a DSS database with mix of OLTP and DW loads. Or even mix DEV/TST/PRO databases in the same appliance.
And for Exadata you “waste” features like flash, smart scan, storage server memory and the most important – money – (because the storage server need to be licensed) for this “not used data” too. Until X8 you don’t have what to do, the options to offload this data outside of Exadata are complicate and require some intervention in database side beside that you need to sustain different hardware.
So, why it is more “Efficient”, “Simple”, “Secure”, “Scalable” and “Compatible”? Because in the same appliance you can have, transparently from/for database side and using the same db features (like TDE as example), two storages. You can create one additional diskgroup in the XT storage servers and move your archived data there. Simple like that. Another option, if you use OVM, you can dedicate XT for a DEV/TST vm.
If you read the data sheet, you saw a quickly information about “storage software is optional”. But this is something that need clarification. In the docs about System Overview for 19.2 version (page 284 or here) you can see two interesting things:
As you can see, you still have the Exadata Software installed in XT server, but all the SQLOffload features (like smartscan – storage index I am not sure) will be disabled. By the way, about the Exadata Software, there is no other option, it is required to be there to share the disks thought iDB because basically it is not ODA with “JBOD/NtoN/X” connection between database servers and disks. But as told, it is cropped from offload features BUT you don’t need to pay the expensive storage license for use it.
About the hardware itself, it is the same X8-2L model for HC with just one processor, less memory, no flash and 14TB disks. And you cant upgrade the memory. The XT servers is just for “Flexible Configurations” with at least two XT servers in the config.
So, with the XT server Oracle added new devices for Exadata that increase the available options for database usage, but at same time it is complete transparent and more cheaper. You don’t need to configure fancy things to offload your data outside of Exadata, you use the same sql to read data and continued to have a good response time. Maybe you can use ASM Flex disk groups too with XT to have more flexibility. And if you use the OVM you can dedicate this XT servers for DEV/TST vms too. From maintenance part, you have the same procedure to upgrade the storage software stack.
The bad part from XT, and I believe that will occur, is that some customer will buy one appliance with a lot of XT servers and will complain that “brought Exadata and it is slow”. So, if you are a sales person, please inform correctly the customer about the usage for XT servers.
At the end, if you think about, Exadata it is there in the market since 2010 with SQLOffloading/smartscan/storage index and there is nothing in the market to beat it. Of course that exist hardware that it is more powerful than Exadata. You can have new fancy all flash storage, but if you do full stable scan over 1TB table you still load this amount from storage to database memory; for Exadata the history is different. Remember that Exadata it is not just hardware, it is software too.


I wrote one article about new option for Exadata X8

Disclaimer: “The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent my actual employer positions, strategies or opinions. The information here was edited to be useful for general purpose, specific data and identifications were removed to allow reach the generic audience and to be useful for the community.”

Webinar – Oracle Golden Gate Microservices Overview (With Demo)
Category: Database Author: Andre Luiz Dutra Ontalba (Board Member) Date: 5 years ago Comments: 0

Webinar - Oracle Golden Gate Microservices Overview (With Demo)

Hi guys !!

Today we had our Webinar and we are posting the webinar here for you.



Follow the link in the PDF presentation: Click here


See you next time.

André Ontalba – Board Member

Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps: A Simple Usage Approach – Part 4
Category: Cloud Author: BRUNO REIS Date: 5 years ago Comments: 0

Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps:
A Simple Usage Approach - Part 4

This article is the fourth part of the series of articles on Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps. For a better understanding, I recommend reading the “Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps: A Simple Usability Approach – Part 1”, “Part 2” and “Part 3” articles before proceeding with the steps in this article.
As in the previous article we treated the secure connection of the ATP instance with Oracle SQL Developer using the wallet file of the provisioned instance, in this article we will proceed with the creation of the Linux application server. An interesting factor in this topic is that the Linux server will be created within the Oracle Cloud and thus showing the versatility of the Oracle Cloud. To start let’s build some concepts:
Why create the Virtual Cloud Network?
According  to Oracle Corp., “Before you start an instance, you must have a virtual cloud network (VCN) and a subnet to start it. A subnet is a subdivision of your VCN. The subnet directs the traffic according to the route table. “.
Therefore, follow these steps:
 – Creating the virtual network (Virtual Cloud Network): In the Oracle Cloud menu click on “Networking” and later “Virtual Cloud Network”:
In the Virtual Cloud Networks tab click on the “Create Virtual Cloud Network” button
You will then be presented with the screen to create the Virtual Cloud Network, where it is necessary to specify all the information for the VNC configuration:
In the Virtual Cloud Network tab choose the option “Create Virtual Cloud Network plus related resources” to create the VNC only with public subnets:
Click the “Create Virtual Cloud Network” button and a screen with confirmation of creation will be displayed:
Thus it will be possible to verify the VCN created:
Click the name of the VCN, in the case of the example of this article “VirtualCloud”.
Then click on “Security Lists” in the menu:
Click “Default Security Lists for VirtualCloud”
On the next screen click on “Edit All Rules”: “
Afterwards, under the “Ingress Rule 3” tab, click the “Another Ingress Rule”
In the next Ingress Rule add the following data:
   Source CIDR :
    Destination Port Range : 3055 (just an example)
After entering the information click on “Save Security List Rules”:
With the Virtual Cloud Network configured, we will proceed with the provisioning of the Linux machine.
Provisioning the Linux server: In the initial menu of Oracle Cloud click on “Compute” and later on “Instances”:
On the next tab, click the “Create Instance” button:
In the Create Compute Instance tab, provide the requested information:
Name: Choose a name for your instance. (In the example: VMLINUXmachine)
Select an available domain for your instance: Choose the first available domain (In the example: ysjg: PHX-AD-1)
Choose an operating system or image source: Keep the option available from Oracle.
Image Operating System: Oracle Linux 7.6
Choose instance type: Choose “Virtual Machine”
Shape: We will use the option “VM.Standard2.1”
Image Version: Please select the latest version, 2018.09.25-0 (latest)
Configure boot volume: Keep the default option.
SSH Keys: Because Linux operating systems use SSH keys for authentication, you must provide a public key. Click “Choose SSH key file” and provide a public SSH key.
Then click on the “create” button:
While the server is being provisioned, the status displayed will be “Provisioning”:
Once the process is finished, the status is changed to “RUNNING”:
An interesting fact is that from this moment it is already possible to make ssh connection with the created server:



[root@techdatabasketblog /]# ssh

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:kuM9EKvzZ47/2qof0kVZc9+po3tDjTEPdsCXVgye9BI.

ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:84:06:1b:75:2c:5a:f4:72:db:49:ab:7e:b1:5c:5a:67.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

Enter passphrase for key '/root/.ssh/id_rsa':

Please login as the user "opc" rather than the user "root".

Connection to closed.

[root@techdatabasketblog /]# ssh [email protected]

Enter passphrase for key '/root/.ssh/id_rsa':

[opc@vmlinuxmachine ~]$ hostname


[opc@vmlinuxmachine ~]$ uname -a

Linux vmlinuxmachine 4.14.35-1844.3.2.el7uek.x86_64 #2 SMP Mon Feb 25 17:43:37 PST 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[opc@vmlinuxmachine ~]$ date

Tue Apr 23 11:03:45 GMT 2019

[opc@vmlinuxmachine ~]$


So we finished the fourth part of the series of articles about Oracle Autonomous Database in Oracle Cloud for DevOps. In the next article we will continue to create microservices using Docker and the connection of a JAVA application with the database created in the cloud.



Bruno Reis da Silva is a Database Cloud Support Engineer and professionally Certified Oracle Database Administrator who has worked on the South American continent and is now working at the European continent. He was awarded the first Oracle Ace Associate of Hungary in 2017. His interests are in RDBMS, mainly Oracle, operating systems (Linux, AIX, HPUX and Solaris) and High Availability Solutions implementations. In his free time he enjoys playing sports , going to the gym and traveling. His blog is dedicated to his sister Laura Vitoria and the main reason for blogging is because he believes in the quote “giving back to get back” . He also enjoys continuous learning and the interaction with others who share his interest.



Carlos Magno de Andrade Júnior is an  Database Architect at eProseed Europe, with more than 15 years of experience in Oracle database on complex projects in countries such as Brazil , India , the Netherlands, Luxembourg , France and Italy, having worked in companies such as Oracle Corporation, IBM, HSBC, among others. Also shares information on his blog Certifications : OCM 12c OCP 10g , 11g OCP , OCP 12c, OCE RAC , Exadata , ITIL and OEM 12c Cloud Control Implementation Specialist.

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